Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blog post 7: Myth of Junk Food

I have learned a lot about Junk Food, all good and bad. Lets face it, Junk food is very addictive. Back then, I thought that Junk Food is really bad for one's health but as I did a lot of thorough research and found amazing, unbelievable and interesting articles about it. I found that eating Junk Foods isn't really that bad.

Myths. What is a Myth? A Myth is a widely held but false belief or idea. Does Junk Food have a myth? I love Myths, stories of things. We all know a few myths about Junk Food but I'm curious if those are true and I would know learn more about Junk Foods.

As i was searching about Myths of Junk Food- If their is one-, I found one that caught my eye which is entitled, "Is junk food a myth?" by Brandon O'Neill in The author talks about that their is no such thing as "Junk" food.

In this article, The author talked about what Ruth Kelly- a secretary of state for education- launched something against junk food. Ruth Kelly said that Junk Food should now be approved in school and her aim is to ensure that children eat healthy dishes in school.  Ms. Kelly also warned school governors who continue to serve junk food once the ban comes into force that they could receive criminal record.

The author has mentioned Vincent Marks, A Emeritus Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at the University of Surrey and co-editor of a book titled Panic Nation. Vincent Marks said that labeling a food "junk" is like rejecting it and there is no such thing as "junk food" but 'junk diet.'

This article is a good example of how to handle the expansion of obesity to students. I approve how Ruth Kelly handle it, by not making schools serve unhealthy food for students. As always, I think we just need to control how much we consume.

As i searched further, I clicked on an article by Bindu Swetha entitled "Seven Fast Food Myths Busted" in Bindu Swetha tries to prove the myths of fast food, also known as junk food, to be wrong or false.

In this article, There are seven myths the author mentioned in the article and proved it; First is KFC changed its name because they don't use chicken. Second is that Salads are healthier than fast food.Third is that Mcdonald's use alternative sources of meat.Fourth is One can get addicted to fast food by long-time consumption.Fifth is Fast food will make you fat.Sixth is Fast food is hygienic. Lastly, Mcdonald's uses embalming fluid in the food.

First of all, Its not all true that most salads aren't healthier just some. Fast food isn't really the reason behind people getting obese, it is because of their lifestyle and how much they consume it. Fast food isn't really hygienic and Mcdonald's does not use any such fluid, They are known as the most wasteful restaurants around.

There are many things we don't know about Junk Food. Myths, we shouldn't take it all seriously.

*I do not own the picture/s you see*

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