Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blog post 1: Junk Foods are like Drugs

Do you eat Junk Foods?

I remember when I was in a very young age - maybe seven- , There won't be a time where I don't have a Junk Food in my hand or mouth. It was very addicting, Eating cakes, chocolates, salted chips, candies and drinking soft drinks. Until one day, My stomach started hurting and I would cry after I eat or drink any Junk Foods. So, My Parents took me to a hospital and the Doctor said I had Peptic Ulcer because of drinking soft drinks and eating salted chips. From then on, I minimize on eating Salted chips and drinking soft drinks but my stomach would hurt when I eat too much. I can't stop myself from eating Junk Foods because its very addicting. 

First of all, What is a Junk Food? It is also known as Fast Food which of course, originated in the US. It is a food that is high in calories in a small volume, fat, sugar in liquid form, salt, palatability but low in nutritional content. "Junk Food" are in the categories of either snack food or fast food. Junk Foods is also low in satiation value which can lead to overeating. 

As I was doing my research about Junk Food,I stumbled in an article entitled, "Junk Food Nearly as Addictive as Heroin" by David Gutierrez in www.naturalnews.com. This article focuses on studies that Researchers from Scripps Research Institute have found while experimenting on rats. They experimented on rats on 3 different diets: Nutritious diet, a healthy diet that can eat a minimal of Junk Foods and a diet of unlimited Junk Foods.

They have observed that the third group, which is a diet of unlimited Junk Food, immediately became obese. For them to test the effects of junk food on the brain, They made an area where mice ran on a wheel and the longer a rat ran on a wheel, more pleasure it receives. They have observed that while rats in the first two groups, which are Nutritious diet and a healthy diet that are restricted in Junk Foods did not change their running behavior but the rats eating junk food started running for longer periods that proved that their brain's pleasure centers had become less sensitive and when they started exposing rats to painful electric shocks whenever they ate junk food, The rats on the restricted food diet immediately stopped eating it but the unlimited junk food rats was undiscouraged and continue pursuing their own goal.

They have proved that Junk Foods are like drugs, someone would do anything to get it, wont stop eating it and it would be hard for someone to stop eating Junk Foods for it is very addicting. I think its true, Junk foods are very addicting and its hard to stop when you keep eating it, as the researchers said, like drugs. Drugs and Junk Foods are bad for your health and I have found that it can lead you to early death for it triggers diabetes.

As I researched further about the addiction to Junk Foods, I found an article by J.D. Heyes entitled "Junk food is engineered to addict you to chemical ingredients" found in www.naturalnews.com which obviously talks about facts that Junk foods really do make you addicted to chemical ingredients.

Like for example, Junk food makers know that the products they make are harmful to our society but they still continue making Junk foods and it is a "sensory-specific satiety" which refers to the declining satisfaction made by the consumption of foods or make different flavors that is very addicting that tells a brain not to stop drinking or eating a certain Junk Food but in this article, they say that the other industries are looking to develop a "designer sodium" which can reduce salt in their products by as much as 40 percent(%).

Being able to know what Junk Foods do to us made me realize how it affects our daily lives just by eating and drinking Junk foods, that you should control how much you eat Junk Foods or if its possible, try to stop eating or drinking it.

*I do not own the picture/s you see*

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