Friday, October 25, 2013

Blog post 3: Arts of Junk Food

Art, All of us makes art either from creative skills or from one's imaginations. It produces works to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. When you see a painting or sculpture, Everything you see has a deeper meaning. Why would the artist do this kind of art? Whats behind this painting or sculpture? How did the artist interpreted his or her art?

I don't have any talent on doing arts like drawings, paintings or sculptures but i do know how to use my imaginations. I know what i want and try to do it in my own way of thinking. Art makes the world worth living, It gives life around us and makes us see the other world than we normally see.

As I was reading some articles about art of Junk Foods, I stumbled in an article entitled "Fast Food Art vs. Slow Food Art" by John Seed in  John Seed will be comparing on different kinds of pictures of the old age and now.

This article talked about the art of Marc Trujillo, which you see at the right corner, Is familiar for all of us but then John Seed asked himself-"what other image does this one connect to for me?". And then as you see below, Is a Peter Aertsen's masterpiece 'Butcher's stall with the flight into Egypt."

John Seed has shown Peter Aertsen's painting to his class and all his students were disgusted by the painting that they want their meat to be processed into  shrink-wrapped on a foam try. John Seed thinks that one of our cultural values in food is how we erase the carnality. 

That we would rather want to see the final product of a food than to see how it is made, We don't want to see blood, death, the gruesome remains of animals. We interpret paintings with different kinds of meanings.

As i was searching for more articles about the arts of Junk Food, I saw this interesting article entitled, "A Level Art Project: Obesity & Junk Food 98%" by Amiria Robinson in The writer talks about the arts of a student named Nikau Hindin who made this breath takingly beautiful paintings for her project and the topic she did was about Junk Food, focusing on the excessive consumption of junk food by young people and the health risks while consuming it.

On the picture of the right, As you can see. Nikau Hindin drew children eating Junk Foods. It was inspired by the artworks of Janet Fish that Nikau set up a picnic providing a group of children from her primary school with junk food and documented these children as they ate.

Many artists have inspired Nikau Hindin in making lots of artworks such as Raymond Ching, Kelcy Taratoa - who was an important artist, He was interviewed by Nikau in person and was able to see many of his acclaimed artworks in flesh- and Bill Barminshi- who was the most influential for Nikau while she was doing her own artworks.

The picture you see on the left is one of the artworks of Nikau Hindin as you can see, the art is so beautiful, the joyful image of a child eating but when you look closely, you will see the names of additives and ingredients through the painting.

For me, As I interpreted the painting, I think that, all of us are so happy and joyful to eat Junk Foods but the artificial ingredients and additives are unhealthy and slowly eating us up, killing us slowly, making us diabetic and lots more that we don't realize that we should stop.

Many people interpret different meanings to a lot of paintings like the one's you saw in my blog, I understood more about this paintings, the meanings inside and what the artists wants to convey to us. Being able to see and know what the real meanings made me inspired.

*I do not own the picture/s you see*

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