Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blog post 5: The Good Thing of Junk Food

Junk Food is always seen as a bad thing in a lot of countries. It really depends on how you consume it, how much you consume it and how it influences you.

There may be a lot of disadvantages of Junk Foods but their are also advantages. I know that all of the things around us has advantages and disadvantages in our daily lives. Being able to know the advantages may make us see the good things of eating Junk Foods too.

As i thought, 'Are their advantages when we eat Junk Foods? Is it possible?", I was so curious that I've researched a lot if their were advantages and so I stumbled in an article by Gordon Hamilton entitled "The Health Benefits of Junk Food," In

This article talks about Junk Foods become unhealthy when you consume more than what your body really needs. It just really depends on how the person consumes it. Their are healthy choices with junk food which can provide benefits of it without affecting the enjoyment of the product. It is also said that the pleasure obtained from consuming junk food causes the release of enzymes in the brain which leads to an emotional feeling of well-being; however, it should be controlled and balanced against its negative effects. It is beneficial to mental health.

I have realized that Junk Foods is needed in our body. I have also found out that when we try to cut out fats and sugars, cause harm in children and adolescents- which needs at least 30% and as much as 50% of dietary intake of fats, which is used for energy. So, we still do need to eat Junk Foods and that we should still eat Junk Foods but not more than what we really need.

As I explored more articles of the benefits of Junk Food, I saw an article entitled, "The Advantage and Disadvantages of Eating Fast Food" by desykriswintari in The title says it all or should i still elaborate, This article talks about the advantages and disadvantages of Eating Junk Food/Fast Food.

Having read the whole article, It explained that Eating has an important role in our daily lives and also is Junk Foods. The advantages of consuming Fast Food/ Junk Foods is that it can save time- you just order or buy in a convenience store and then you can eat it-, you will see lots of fast food anywhere you go, Another advantage is that it tastes very good, which makes the consumers be addicted. In fact, the article has said that Fast foods are added with additives.

If there are advantages, their are also disadvantages. We all know that it causes obesity. Fast foods have many calories and accumulate in the body as fat deposits. Not only is it obesity but other problems suck as high blood pleasure and diseases of the joints.

For me, It is the consumers choice and thinking if they think Junk Foods is an advantage or disadvantage. The only thing i can recommend is to control how much you consume. If you consume more than what you need, you're in a disadvantage. All of us need Junk Foods but we eat it minimally, It would change for the better.

*I do not own the picture/s you see*


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