Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blog post 6: Things you should know about Junk Food

Junk Foods. Junk Foods everywhere! Who doesn't love chicken? french fries? cakes? chocolates? nuggets? salty chips? soft drinks? We know a lot of people who loves those foods or a lot of junk foods and i'm sure that you love at least one or two or maybe all of it.

I love fast foods, for me, its heaven. It will always be like heaven. I especially love the burgers of Jollibee and when I started studying at APC- Asia Pacific College-, I would always "always" order a regular burger at Jollibee but I started asking myself, Is Junk Food cheaper? We already know that Junk Food can either be good or bad for you and that it depends on how you think of it or consume it.

As i was researching about Junk Foods, I stumbled in an article entitled "Is Junk Food Really Cheaper?" by Mark Bittman in This article talks about the arguments if Junk food is cheaper. People say Junk Food is cheap than making food but is it really true?

As I have read in the article, The author have cleared out that Junk Food isn't cheaper than real food. Infact, It says that eating highly processed food isn't cheaper; when you eat in a fast food you may pay about a whole lot more than food cooked at home. Then, another argument is that Junk food is cheaper when measured by calorie but the author have argued that a meal of real food cooked at home can easily contain more calories. 

"Anything that you do that's not fast food is terrific; cooking once a week is far better than not cooking at all." -Marion Nestle, professor of food studies at NY University and author of "What to Eat." Most people can really eat 'real' food but people think that cooking is defined as work and that fast food is both pleasure and relaxation.

Its how we choose. Choosing to cook than ordering in a fast food is better for our health, our pockets and for our lives and as it said in the article: "What's easier is to cook at every opportunity, to demonstrate to family and neighbors that the real way is the better way." I think its true, Its better to eat at home, cooking food, making efforts for the family than eat outside, not knowing what they're putting in your food.

As I was reading more articles, I saw this interesting one entitled, "Diet drinks DON'T make you hungry: New research quashes myth they cause junk food cravings." by Rachel Reilly in This article caught my attention immediately and while i was reading the article, I can say that i learned a lot about Diet drinks.

In this article, They made a lot of studies about Sugar-free fizzy drinks. One study found that water and diet drinkings drinkers reduced their average daily calorie intake at the start of the study. After six months, the difference was that those who drank water ate more healthy foods while those who drank diet drinks ate fewer desserts, compared to the beginning of study but their are other studies suggesting that drinking diet free drinks are bad for your health. A french study found that woman who drank diet drinks are more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes than those who drank water and then another study found that its a woman's risk of suffering a stroke by 80 percent and there's also a study that it could increase a man's risk of developing prostate cancer by 40 percent.

It really depends on how much you consume diet drinks, it would be great if you drink it minimally. I don't drink diet drinks for my mom said it can cause cancer and I wouldn't want to risk my own life by drinking one of those.

*I do not own the picture/s you see*

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