Friday, October 25, 2013

Blog post 2: Junk Foods and its Effects

I see lots of people eating Junk Foods. Lets face it, We always see people eating unhealthy foods but have we realized on stopping them from eating it? Or at the very least, Have you tried stopping yourself from eating it? Have you ever realized why its unhealthy? For once, thought of what can happen if you continue eating those Junk?

I have, a lot of times. Asked myself why we still continue eating Junk Foods when we know its unhealthy? Maybe because it tastes divine, great or maybe its instant, you can eat it without waiting. You just open the bag of chips, or rip the wrapper and eat it. There are many possibilities. For me, Its impossible to stop because well, My Mom bakes a lot of sweet foods, I love sweet foods; chocolates, cookies, cinnamon rolls, cakes and more. So, its impossible to stop but my mom still makes us eat vegetables, fruits and meat.

I was so curious on what would happen if someone continues to eat unhealthy foods that I clicked on an article entitled, "Mental Effects of a Fast Food Diet" by Alissa Fleck in This article talks about the bad effects when you eat unhealthy foods. 

In this article, It says that obviously, All of us are aware of the negative effects when we continue eating Junk Foods/ Fast Foods that we know the negative effects like gaining weight but fewer are aware of its effects on our brain. Our Brain needs nutrients too, Junk Foods doesn't give us those kind of nutrients so it leads to debilitating mental effects.

According to the article, Consuming high fat junk food actually have a direct impact on the brain, causing changes for conditions like anxiety and depression. Not only that but we also consume unhealthy ingredients and Fast foods can also lead to snowballing mental impacts, can lead to stress,anxiety and negative thoughts about oneself. 

The article made me learn that consuming lots of junk foods can really do make you depressed, unhealthy, stress and feel anxiety. I have felt those mental effects when i was only eating Junk Foods; I have looked down at myself, compared myself to others (still do but became less), felt anxiety but overcame it.

As i was searching for more of the mental effects of Junk Foods, I stumbled in this interesting article named; "In Young Kids, Junk Food Linked to Mental Illness" by Traci Pedersen in This article talks about the mental illness Junk foods do to young children,before birth and during early childhood.

In this article, Children who are exposed to Junk food, before and during early childhood have risks for developing mental health problems- anxiety and depression. The Researchers from Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia found that consumption of unhealthy food during pregnancy lead to higher levels of behavior and emotional problems. It has been proved that both an increased intake of unhealthy foods and a decreased intake of nutrient-rich foods in early childhood were independently related to hinger internalizing and externalizing behaviors in young children. 

As i read this article, I have thought that its also true that children who eat Junk Foods in an early age have tantrums and behavior problems. Lets just say, I know some children who eat unhealthy foods and have 'those' behaviors. 

I have learned many things from these two articles and would look forward to learn lots more about Junk Foods. Junk Foods is really a risk for us. In my opinion, After reading those articles, I realized that we should also think of children that we shouldn't expose them to unhealthy food because in the future, You will regret it and that's honestly true.

*I do not own the picture/s you see*

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